At the University of KwaZulu-Natal, SA, I have given the following courses:
ASTR301 (Astronomy beyond the visible) for 3rd year astronomy major students (Semester 1, 2016, 2017)(39 lectures + 26 tutorials for each semester)
(Course outline: Introductory radiative transfer -- Ionisation losses and Bremsstrahlung - Synchrotron emission -- High energy photon interactions and scattering )
MATH703 (Cosmology) for 4th year honours students (Semester 2, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)(39 lectures + 26 tutorials for each semester)
(Course outline: Einstein's Universe and the Robertson-Walker metric -- Friedmann's models -- The Early Universe and the thermal history -- Introduction to basic Inflation theory -- Introduction to Structure formation )
MATH718 (General Relativity) for 4th year honours students (Semester 1, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)(39 lectures + 26 tutorials for each semester)
(Course outline: Review of tensor analysis, Particle motion in curved space, Curvature, Einstein's field equations, Schwarzschild spacetime, Gravitational Radiation)
MATH344 (Tensors) for 3rd year students (Semester 2, 2009, 2010 & 2011)(39 lectures + 26 tutorials for each semester)(2010 & 2011)
(Course outline: Tensor concept and properties, Tensor algebra, Differentiation of tensors, Applications to fluid dynamics and geometry in curved spaces, Special relativity, Tensor calculus in
Riemannian geometry, Introduction to general relativity.)
MATH 343 (Advanced Mechanics) for 3rd year students (July-November, 2010 & 2011)(39 lectures + 26 tutorials for each semester)
(Course outline: Generalised forces, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, Hamilton-Jacobi formulations, Canonical Transformations, Liouville's theorem, Rigid body motion, Small oscillations)
MATH334 (Advanced Differential Equations) for 3rd year students (Semester 1, 2010)(39 lectures + 26 tutorials for each semester)
(Course outline: Power series solution, Special functions, Boundary value problem, Partial differential equations, Dirichlet problem)
MATH235 (Mechanics) for 2nd year students (Semester 1, 2011,2012,2013)(52 lectures + 26 tutorials)
(Course outline: Vectors, Newton's laws of motion and conservation laws. Kepler's laws, central forces and planetary motion. Moving frames and Coriolis forces. Motion of a rigid body and Euler's Equations. Introduction to mechanics of continuous media.)