Research Interests

Over the years (i.e., from 1970 on) I have been working and publishing in the following fields of specialization:
Relativistic quantum field theory in the sense of Gårding - Wightman, mainly structural properties of states and fields;
Schrödinger operators with singular potentials;
Calculus of variations, mainly minimization for nonconvex and nonquasiconvex problems;
Application of variational methods to the solution of generic classes of nonlinear partial differential equations;
Relativistic quantum field theory in terms of Fourier hyperfunctions, mainly functional characterization , general properties and concrete models of such theories;
General relativity and extensions;
Relativistic quantum field theory with a fundamental length (i.e., quantum field theory in terms of tempered ultrahyperfunctions), mainly formulation, functional characterization, general properties and concrete models of such a theory;
Quantum information theory, in particular structure of states and positive maps;

Current projects:
Parametrization of (degenerate) density matrices, togehter with S. Nagamachi;
Foundations of quantum physics - the ETH approach, together with Ph. Blanchard;